Do You Have Time-Series Data?

Several data points are represented as bars and lines in a colorful and high-tech scenario.

Written by Team Timescale

Time-series data (or temporal data) is a type of data that is collected and recorded over a period of time. It is one of the most common types of data found in various fields, including finance, economics, and business forecasting. 

Still, many business owners and developers don’t know they have a time-series problem. If you’re wondering whether your data falls into this category, this complete guide will provide you with a deeper understanding of time-series data and how you can use it for analysis, forecasting, and plotting.

Understanding Time-Series Data

Before we delve into the various aspects of time-series data, let's start by defining what it is and why it is important. Time-series data is a collection of observations or measurements taken at different points in time. It allows us to analyze how a particular variable changes over time and detect any underlying trends or patterns. This is particularly useful in making predictions and forecasting future values.

Definition and importance of time-series data

Time-series data is characterized by its temporal nature, where the sequence of observations matters. Each data point is associated with a specific timestamp, allowing us to study the behavior of a variable over time. 

Understanding temporal data is crucial because it enables us to identify trends, outliers, and seasonality patterns, all of which can have significant implications for decision-making and planning.

Different Types of Time-Series Data

Time-series data can take on various forms depending on the nature of the observations. The two main types of time-series data are: 

Continuous time-series data

This type of data is collected continuously over time, without any interruption. Examples include temperature measurements recorded every hour or stock prices updated every second.

Discrete time-series data

In contrast, this type of data is collected and recorded at specific time intervals. For instance, a monthly sales report or annual GDP growth rate are forms of discrete time-series data.

Within the realm of continuous time-series data, there are various subtypes that can be further explored. For example, periodic time-series data refers to data that exhibits repeating patterns over a fixed interval, such as daily temperature fluctuations or weekly website traffic.

On the other hand, irregular time-series data does not follow a specific pattern and may have random fluctuations or anomalies. Event data, for example, can be considered irregular time-series data: it refers to records of events that occur at specific points in time, often without a predictable pattern. This results in timestamps that do not follow a regular interval, making it irregular. Examples include user actions on a website, sensor alerts, or transaction logs. Each event is recorded when it happens, creating a time series with varying intervals between data points.

Discrete time-series data can also be categorized into different subtypes based on the time intervals at which the data is collected. Some examples include daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual data. Each type of discrete time-series data has its own unique characteristics and may require different analytical approaches.

Understanding the different types of time-series data is essential as it allows us to select the appropriate statistical models and techniques for analysis. By considering the nature of the data, we can ensure accurate and meaningful insights are derived from our analysis.

✨ For a deep dive into the world of time-series data, check out our blog post What Is Time-Series Data? Definition & Examples, a primer on time-series data and why you may not want to use a “normal” database to store it.

Collecting Time-Series Data

Now that we have a better understanding of time-series data, let's move on to the process of collecting this valuable information. There are various tools and techniques available to collect time-series data, depending on the nature of the data source and the level of precision required.

One common tool used for collecting time-series data is sensors or data loggers, which can be installed to record measurements at regular intervals. These measurements can include temperature, humidity, or even stock market data. Sensors are often used in scientific research, where precise and accurate data is crucial for analysis and decision-making. 

For example, in climate studies, sensors are deployed to collect data on temperature, rainfall, and wind speed at specific locations. The collected data is then used to analyze weather patterns and make predictions about future climate conditions.

Additionally, online platforms and databases offer APIs (application programming interfaces) for accessing and retrieving time-series data from various sources, such as financial markets or weather stations. These APIs allow developers to integrate real-time data into their applications, enabling users to access up-to-date information. 

For instance, financial institutions use APIs to fetch stock market data and display it on their trading platforms. This allows traders to make informed decisions based on the latest market trends and fluctuations.

Best practices in data collection

While collecting time-series data, it is essential to follow certain best practices to ensure data quality and integrity. This includes regular calibration of sensors to maintain their accuracy and reliability. Calibration involves comparing the sensor's readings to a reference standard and adjusting it if necessary.

By calibrating sensors at regular intervals, any drift or inaccuracies in the measurements can be identified and corrected, ensuring the collected data is precise and trustworthy.

Adherence to data privacy and security protocols is also of utmost importance in time-series data collection. Depending on the nature of the data being collected, there may be legal and ethical considerations regarding its handling and storage.

For example, collecting personal health data requires compliance with privacy regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States. Implementing appropriate security measures, such as encryption and access controls, helps safeguard the collected data from unauthorized access and potential breaches. 

Furthermore, it is crucial to establish a clear data collection protocol to ensure consistency and minimize any potential biases in the recorded observations. A well-defined protocol outlines the procedures and guidelines for data collection, including the sampling frequency, data format, and any specific conditions or criteria that need to be met during the data collection process. 

Following a standardized protocol ensures that data is collected in a systematic and unbiased manner, enabling accurate analysis and interpretation. 

Some time-series databases, like Timescale, comply with crucial security standards, such as SOC2 compliance, ensuring your data is handled and kept securely. 

Finally,  proper storage and backup of collected data is another critical aspect of data collection. Time-series data can accumulate rapidly, especially when collected at frequent intervals. Therefore, it is important to have a robust data storage system in place. 

This can involve using cloud-based storage solutions, like the one offered by Timescale, our fully managed, cloud-native PostgreSQL++ solution, or dedicated servers to store the data securely (if you’re self-hosting the TimescaleDB database, which is at the heart of Timescale). 

Additionally, implementing a backup strategy ensures that even in the event of hardware failure or data loss, the collected time-series data remains intact and accessible. Timescale allows you to focus on building your applications, not managing your database, saving you time with automatic backups, upgrades, and failover. Read how high availability works in our time-series cloud database.

More Resources on Time Series