Spatial Database

PostgreSQL Extensions: pgRouting

pgRouting is an extension of PostgreSQL, which turns your database into a spatial database for geographic services. It provides geospatial routing functionality, including shortest path search and driving distance calculations, making it a valuable tool for developers working with location-based services and logistics.

Installing pgRouting

Before you can use pgRouting, you need to install it. Here are the steps to install pgRouting on your PostgreSQL database:

1. Ensure that you have PostgreSQL and PostGIS installed.

2. Download the pgRouting package from the official website or use a package manager like apt or yum.

3. Install the package using the package manager or by building from source.

4. Once installed, you can enable pgRouting in your database using the following SQL command:


Using pgRouting

pgRouting provides a variety of functions for routing and network analysis. Here are some examples:

  • pgr_dijkstra(): this function implements the Dijkstra algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes.

  • pgr_drivingDistance(): this function calculates the driving distance from a start node to all other nodes within a specified cost.

To use these functions, you need to have a table in your database that represents a graph. Each row in the table represents an edge in the graph, and you need at least the following columns: id, source, target, cost.

Time-Series Use Cases for pgRouting

pgRouting can be used in a variety of time-series use cases. For example, it can be used to analyze traffic data over time, helping to identify patterns and trends in congestion and travel times. It can also be used in logistics to optimize delivery routes based on historical data.

Using pgRouting with Timescale and time-series data

If you're using Timescale, an open-source time-series database built on PostgreSQL, you can use pgRouting to analyze your time-series data in a spatial context. For example, you could use this extension to analyze the movement of a fleet of vehicles over time, identifying patterns and optimizing routes based on this data.

On Timescale, you can find available extensions by going to Operations > Extensions from your service overview, which will also give you installation instructions.

Here is a general process:

1. Set Up Your Database: You'll need to install both pgRouting and TimescaleDB extensions on your PostgreSQL database, as mentioned above. Once installed, you can create a hypertable in TimescaleDB for storing your time-series data.

2. Ingest Time-Series Data: Then, you need to ingest your time-series data into the hypertable. This could be GPS points of a vehicle over time, sensor data from IoT devices, etc. Remember to include timestamps, as they are crucial for time-series data.

3. Prepare Your Geospatial Data: pgRouting works with geospatial data. So, you will need a separate table that contains your routing information. This could be a network of roads, paths, or any other kind of routes represented as a graph. You can use PostGIS extension (which is a prerequisite for pgRouting) for handling this geospatial data.

4. Perform Spatial-Temporal Queries and Analyses: Now that you have both time-series data in a TimescaleDB hypertable and geospatial data in a regular PostgreSQL (or PostGIS) table, you can start performing complex queries and analyses. For example, you could use the pgRouting functions to calculate the shortest path between two points at a certain time.

Remember, the power of using pgRouting with TimescaleDB lies in the ability to analyze how spatial relationships (like routes or distances) change over time. This can provide valuable insights for various applications, like traffic management, fleet tracking, or urban planning.

For a step further in visualizing your data analysis, learn how to create and use a time-series plot.