Guide to PostgreSQL Database Operations

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Database operations encompass all activities involved in managing and manipulating data within a database. In this article, you’ll learn specifically about PostgreSQL database operations.

We'll explore what PostgreSQL is, its history, and its benefits. We'll also guide you through getting started with PostgreSQL, covering installation on various operating systems, basic and advanced database operations, and much more.

Let's get started.

What Is PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is an advanced, open-source object-relational database management system (RDBMS). Its robustness, scalability, and flexibility are highly regarded, making it an excellent choice for various applications, from small projects to large enterprise systems. Unlike traditional relational databases, PostgreSQL supports advanced data types and performance optimization features, offering the best of both relational and object-oriented database worlds.

History of PostgreSQL

The development of PostgreSQL began in 1986 as part of the POSTGRES project at the University of California, Berkeley. It was designed to expand the capabilities of the existing Ingres database with support for data types, object-relational models, and extensibility.

The project evolved over the years, and with the addition of SQL language support (SQL stands for Structured Query Language), it was renamed to PostgreSQL to emphasize its SQL capabilities. PostgreSQL continues to be developed and improved by a vibrant and active community, making it one of the most advanced open-source database systems available.

Benefits of PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL offers myriad benefits, making it a preferred choice for developers and organizations worldwide. Some of these benefits include:

  • Flexibility: PostgreSQL supports a wide range of data types, including structured, document, and custom types, allowing for flexible data modeling.

  • Extensibility: It can be easily extended with custom functions, data types, languages, and more, thanks to its robust extension framework.

  • Scalability: PostgreSQL is designed to handle large volumes of data and concurrent users efficiently, making it suitable for high-volume environments.

  • Replication: It supports several replication techniques, including streaming and logical replication, ensuring data availability and disaster recovery.

Comparing PostgreSQL to Other DBMSs

Compared to other standard database management systems like MySQL, MongoDB, and MariaDB, PostgreSQL stands out for its advanced features and versatility. It offers comprehensive support for SQL standards and ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) transactions, essential for complex and high-volume database operations.

Unlike MongoDB, a NoSQL database optimized for document storage, PostgreSQL provides broad functionality for handling relational and non-relational data models. Compared to MySQL and MariaDB, PostgreSQL offers more advanced features, such as table partitioning, complex data types, and a more comprehensive range of indexing options, making it a robust solution for complex data processing and analysis tasks.

In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into getting started with PostgreSQL.

Getting Started With PostgreSQL

Before diving into the PostgreSQL world, it's crucial to understand the prerequisites and how to install PostgreSQL on various operating systems. This section will guide you through the steps to get PostgreSQL up and running on your machine, whether you're using Windows, Mac, or Linux.

Prerequisites to installing PostgreSQL

  • Hardware requirements: Ensure your system meets the minimum hardware requirements for PostgreSQL (1 core CPU with 2vCores, 1 GiB memory). While PostgreSQL is quite efficient and can run on modest hardware, performance, and storage needs will vary based on your workload.

  • Software requirements: You should have administrative access to your system to install new software. Additionally, ensure your system's package manager is up to date (this is more relevant for Linux and Mac users).

  • Network configuration: If you plan to access your PostgreSQL server over the network, ensure that your firewall and network settings allow the necessary connections on PostgreSQL's default port (5432).

Installing PostgreSQL on Windows

  1. Download the installer: Go to the official PostgreSQL website and download the Windows installer for the version you want to install.

  2. Run the installer: Execute the downloaded file. The installer includes the database server, pgAdmin (a graphical interface for database management), command-line tools, and necessary drivers.

  3. Follow the installation wizard: The wizard will guide you through installation. Choose the components to install, the installation folder, and the data directory.

  4. Set the password and port: You will be prompted to set a password for the default PostgreSQL superuser (postgres) and to choose a port (default is 5432).

  5. Complete the installation: Follow the rest of the prompts to complete the installation. You can then use pgAdmin or the command-line interface to manage your PostgreSQL database.

Installing PostgreSQL on Mac

1. Homebrew installation: The easiest way to install PostgreSQL on a Mac is by using Homebrew, a package manager for macOS. Open a terminal and run 

brew install postgresql

2. Start PostgreSQL: After the installation, you can start PostgreSQL using 

brew services start postgresql

Installing PostgreSQL on Linux

The installation steps on Linux can vary depending on the distribution. Below are the commands for Ubuntu/Debian and Fedora/CentOS.

  • Ubuntu/Debian:

1. Update your package list: 

sudo apt-get update

2. Install PostgreSQL: 

sudo apt-get install postgresql

3. Start and enable the PostgreSQL service: 

sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

  • Fedora/CentOS:

1. Install PostgreSQL: 

sudo dnf install postgresql-server
sudo yum install postgresql-server

2. Start the database service and enable automatic start: 

sudo systemctl start postgresql
sudo systemctl enable postgresql

Next, we'll delve into the basics of PostgreSQL, including query syntax, data types, and operations, to get you started with database management.

PostgreSQL Basics

This section will introduce you to the foundational concepts of query syntax, data types, and operators in PostgreSQL. By grasping these basics, you can perform various database operations efficiently.

Query syntax

The query syntax in PostgreSQL is based on SQL (Structured Query Language), which is used for managing and manipulating databases. Here's a look at the basic structure of a PostgreSQL query:

SELECT column1, column2, ...
FROM tablename
WHERE condition
ORDER BY column;

  • SELECT specifies the columns to be returned by the query.

  • FROM indicates the table from which to retrieve the data.

  • WHERE applies a condition to filter the rows returned.

  • ORDER BY sorts the result set based on one or more columns.

Example: Suppose you have a table named employees with columns id, name, and department. To retrieve the names of all employees in the 'IT' department, you would use the following query:

FROM employees
WHERE department = 'IT';

Data types

PostgreSQL supports a wide range of data types, allowing you to store various forms of data. Here are some of the common data types you'll encounter:

  • Integer: Used to store whole numbers. Variants include smallint, integer, and bigint.

  • Numeric: For storing precise numeric data with optional decimal places. Use numeric or decimal.

  • Real and double precision: Floating-point numbers are stored using real and double precision.

  • Character: Fixed-length (char) and variable-length (varchar) strings and text for longer texts.

  • Boolean: Stores truth values, either true or false.

  • Date and time: Includes date, time, timestamp, and interval.

  • UUID: Stores Universally Unique Identifiers.

  • Array: A collection of values stored in a single column.

  • JSON: Stores JSON data, allowing for efficient data interchange.

Example: If you're defining a table for user information, you might use various data types like this:

CREATE TABLE customers (
     customer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
     name VARCHAR(100),
     email VARCHAR(150) UNIQUE,
     join_date DATE,
     is_active BOOLEAN


Operators are used to perform operations on data stored in a database. PostgreSQL supports a wide range of operators for different data types, including:

  • Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % for numeric calculations.

  • Comparison operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >= for comparing values.

  • Logical operators: AND, OR, NOT for combining boolean expressions.

  • String operators: || for string concatenation.

  • Pattern matching: LIKE, ILIKE (case-insensitive LIKE), and SIMILAR TO for matching string patterns.

Example: To find users who signed up in 2024 and are active, you might write a query like this:

SELECT name, email
FROM customers
WHERE join_date BETWEEN '2024-03-01' AND '2024-03-31';

By understanding the basics of PostgreSQL's query syntax, data types, and operators, you can start to explore more complex queries and operations.

Basic PostgreSQL Database Operations

Understanding the basic database operations in PostgreSQL is crucial for managing and manipulating data effectively. These operations include creating, reading, updating, and deleting data within a database, often referred to by the acronym CRUD.

Let's explore these operations and how they're performed in PostgreSQL using our ecommerce_db for practical examples.

Create, Read, Update, Delete Database Operations

Create database

Creating a new database is the first step in working with PostgreSQL. The command to create a database is straightforward:

CREATE DATABASE ecommerce_db;

Select database

To start using a database you've created, you typically connect to it using the psql command-line interface or a GUI tool like pgAdmin. In psql, you would use:

\c ecommerce_db

This command switches the connection to the ecommerce_db database.

Drop database

When a database is no longer needed, you can remove it with the DROP DATABASE command:

DROP DATABASE ecommerce_db;

Be cautious with this command, as it permanently deletes the database and all its contained data.

Create table

We've already seen examples of creating tables when setting up our ecommerce_db. Here's a reminder with the customers table:

CREATE TABLE customers (
    customer_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
    name VARCHAR(100),
    email VARCHAR(150) UNIQUE,
    join_date DATE

Drop table

To remove a table from the database, use the DROP TABLE command:

DROP TABLE tablename;

For example, to drop the customers table:

DROP TABLE customers;

Insert query

Inserting data into a table is done with the INSERT INTO statement. Here's how to add a new customer:

 INSERT INTO customers (name, email, join_date)
 VALUES ('New Customer', '[email protected]', '2024-01-01');

Select query

Retrieving data from a table is one of the most common operations. To select all columns from the customers table:

SELECT * FROM customers;

To select only the name and email of all customers:

SELECT name, email FROM customers;

Filtering Data

WHERE clause

The WHERE clause is used to filter records that fulfill a specified condition. For example, to find all orders made after March 15, 2024:

SELECT * FROM orders WHERE order_date > '2024-03-15';

LIMIT clause

The LIMIT clause is used to specify the maximum number of records to return. For example, to get the first five products:

SELECT * FROM products LIMIT 5;

LIKE clause

The LIKE clause is used for pattern matching. For example, to find customers whose names start with 'J':

SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE 'J%';


The ORDER BY clause sorts the result set in ascending or descending order. To sort customers by join date:

SELECT * FROM customers ORDER BY join_date DESC;


The GROUP BY clause in SQL aggregates rows that share common attributes into summary rows. For instance, if you're interested in determining how many orders each customer has placed, you can utilize this clause as follows:

SELECT customer_id, COUNT(*) FROM orders GROUP BY customer_id;


These logical operators are used to combine multiple conditions. For example, to find products that have a stock quantity greater than five and are priced below $800:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE stock_quantity > 5 AND price < 800;

By practicing these basic operations and clauses, you'll be well-equipped to perform various data manipulation tasks in PostgreSQL, paving the way for more advanced database operations and optimizations.

Advanced PostgreSQL Database Operations

As you grow more comfortable with the basics of PostgreSQL, you'll find that its true power lies in its advanced features. These features allow for complex queries, data analysis, and database optimizations essential for managing large-scale, dynamic databases. Let's dive into some of these advanced operations.

Joining multiple tables

The purpose of joining tables is to combine data from two or more tables based on a related column between them. This is crucial in relational databases, where data is often normalized and spread across multiple tables to reduce redundancy and improve data integrity.

Use case and example: Suppose you want to list all orders along with the client and product names. This requires joining the purchases, clients, and items tables.

SELECT p.purchase_id, cl.name AS client_name, it.name AS item_name, p.purchase_date
FROM purchases AS p
INNER JOIN clients AS cl ON p.client_id = cl.client_id
INNER JOIN items AS it ON p.item_id = it.item_id;

As you explore advanced database operations and performance optimization, understanding how to achieve optimal query performance in a distributed time-series database environment becomes crucial. Learn more about strategies for leveraging PostgreSQL to ensure efficient query execution in distributed systems.

Grouping and Set Operations

Grouping and set operations allow for aggregate calculations and operations on sets of rows.


GROUP BY groups rows sharing a property so that an aggregate function can be applied to each group.

Example: To find the total number of orders per product:

SELECT product_id, COUNT(*) AS total_orders
FROM orders
GROUP BY product_id;


HAVING is used to filter groups based on aggregate conditions, similar to how WHERE filters rows.

Example: To find products with more than five orders:

SELECT product_id, COUNT(*) AS total_orders
FROM orders
GROUP BY product_id


UNION combines the result set of two or more SELECT statements (only distinct values).

Example: If you had two tables of products from different years and wanted a combined list:

SELECT name FROM products_2023
SELECT name FROM products_2024;


INTERSECT returns the intersection of the result sets of two SELECT statements.

Example: To find products that are both in the 2023 and 2024 lists:

SELECT name FROM products_2023
SELECT name FROM products_2024;


EXCEPT returns the difference between the result sets of two SELECT statements.

Example: To find products that are in the 2023 list but not in the 2024 list:

SELECT name FROM products_2023
SELECT name FROM products_2024;


A view is a virtual table based on the result set of an SQL statement. It provides a way to package complex queries into a more straightforward form.

Use case: Create a summary table you frequently query, like a list of top-selling products.

Creating views

CREATE VIEW top_selling_products AS
SELECT product_id, SUM(quantity) AS total_sold
FROM orders
GROUP BY product_id
ORDER BY total_sold DESC

Selecting from views

SELECT * FROM top_selling_products;

Dropping views

DROP VIEW top_selling_products;

This article offers an in-depth exploration for those looking to dive deeper into the intricacies of views and materialized views in PostgreSQL and understand their impact on query performance. It also discusses how these concepts influenced the development of TimescaleDB's continuous aggregates.


A subquery is a query nested inside another query, providing a way to perform operations in steps.

Use case: To find clients who have placed more than five orders.


SELECT name, email
 FROM clients
 WHERE client_id = ANY (SELECT client_id FROM orders GROUP BY client_id HAVING COUNT(order_id) > 5);


SELECT name, email
FROM clients
WHERE client_id <> ALL (SELECT client_id FROM orders WHERE order_date < '2024-01-01');


SELECT name, email
FROM clients c
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM orders o WHERE c.client_id = c.client_id AND o.order_date > '2024-01-01');


A trigger is a database object automatically executed or fired when certain events occur.

Use case: To automatically update the stock quantity of products when a new order is placed.

CREATE TRIGGER update_stock_after_order
EXECUTE FUNCTION update_stock();

In addition to the advanced operations discussed, PostgreSQL's flexibility allows it to function in unique roles, such as a vector database. This capability is beneficial for tasks involving machine learning models and similarity search. Learn more about creating, storing, and querying OpenAI embeddings with pgvector in PostgreSQL.

Next Steps in Your PostgreSQL Journey

Your journey with PostgreSQL operations doesn't end here. With the foundation built through this guide, you're well-equipped to tackle more complex database projects and challenges.

Continue experimenting, learning, and growing your database skills. The world of data is at your fingertips, ready for you to explore and innovate. Happy querying!

Further reading

We recommend this blog post for readers interested in exploring how PostgreSQL can be extended to solve specific problems in database operations, such as data retention management and time-series data handling.