
Use of any trademark of Timescale, Inc. (“Timescale”) must be in accordance with this policy. Timescale‘s trademark policy attempts to balance two competing interests: Timescale‘s need to ensure that its trademarks remain reliable indicators of the source and quality of Timescale’s products and services and Timescale‘s desire to permit community members, software distributors, and others that Timescale works with to discuss Timescale‘s products and services and to accurately describe their affiliation with Timescale.Timescale’s U.S. registered trademarks include “TIMESCALE” and “TIMESCALEDB”. We may have other unregistered trademarks in use as well.Underlying Timescale‘s trademark policy is the general law of trademarks. Trademarks exist to help consumers identify, and organizations publicize, the source of products and services. Some organizations make better products than others; over time, consumers begin to associate those organizations (and their trademarks) with quality. When such organizations permit others to place their trademarks on goods of lesser quality, they find that customer trust evaporates quickly. This is the situation that Timescale seeks to avoid, especially since, when it comes to intangible products like software, trust is all consumers have to decide on.Although Timescale‘s trademark policy is composed of a number of specific rules, most reflect the overarching requirement that your use of Timescale‘s trademarks be non-confusing and non-disparaging. By non-confusing, Timescale means that people should always know who they are dealing with, and where the software they are downloading came from. Websites and software that are not produced by Timescale should not imply, either directly or by omission, that they are. By non-disparaging, we mean that, outside the bounds of fair use, you can‘t use our trademarks as vehicles for defaming us or sullying our reputation. These basic requirements can serve as a guide as you work your way through the policy.


The Timescale trademarks will remain the sole property of Timescale. All use and goodwill associated with the Timescale trademarks will inure to the benefit of Timescale.

Standards For Use

All uses of Timescale trademarks must conform to the following:
1. You may use the Timescale trademarks only to identify and distinguish Timescale products and services. The Timescale trademarks may not be applied to products or services provided by anyone other than Timescale, except as authorized in writing by Timescale. You may not use them as part of your company or service name, product name, trade name, website/domain name, or social media handle/account name.
2. You may not combine any Timescale trademark with another word or hyphenate any Timescale trademark.
3. You may not abbreviate any Timescale trademark by leaving out one or more word portions of the trademark.
4. You may use the Timescale trademarks only as adjectives and never as nouns or verbs. You may use the Timescale trademarks with the following nouns: database, software, system, product, service, offering; you may never use the Timescale trademarks with the following nouns: plug-in, extension, add-on, and other similar words.
5. You may not use any Timescale trademark in possessive form.
6. Timescale trademarks may only be used with the correct form of notice of registration.
7. The correct notice to be used in association with trademarks depends on whether or not the mark is registered in the applicable jurisdiction. If it is not registered, the notice or the word “trademark” or the symbol “TM” or “SM” should be used in association with the trademark. If it is registered in the applicable jurisdiction, the ® should be used. These notices should be placed adjacent to the trademark and be given on all advertising materials, and on product labeling, computer screens, and other uses. Where a trademark is used more than once in a single display, the notice should be placed at the first or most prominent use of the trademark.
8. The following notice should appear in the document in which the Timescale trademark is used: “[TRADEMARK] is a trademark of Timescale, Inc.”;
9. When you use a Timescale trademark in a non-stylized form, such as in the body of text of an advertisement, it must be set apart and distinguished from the other words in the text. In order to do this, the trademark should be rendered in boldface type, italics, all capital letters, set in quotation marks or underlined.
10. Each representation of a Timescale trademark should be consistent and clear. You may not edit, change, distort, recolor, or reconfigure our marks (including our logos). The logo may not be used in a size so small that any design feature of the mark is lost. In general, this will mean that the logo must appear by itself, in a reasonable size, with reasonable spacing (at least the height of the logo) between each side of the logo and other graphic or textual element. The logo must appear in exactly the same spatial relationship as set forth in any graphic standards information provided by Timescale.
11. You may not use any Timescale trademark in any advertising or material in violation of any applicable law, ordinance, or regulation of any country.
12. You may not use any Timescale trademark in a misleading in any way.
13. You may not use any Timescale trademark on or in connection with any defamatory, scandalous, pornographic, or other objectionable materials of any sort.
14. You may not use any Timescale trademark to disparage Timescale or its products or services, or in a manner which, in Timescale’s reasonable judgment, may diminish or otherwise damage Timescale’s goodwill in the logos, trade names, or trademarks.
15. You may not take any action that would in any way tarnish or dilute the value of the Timescale trademarks.
16. You may not adopt, use or attempt to register with any agency in any jurisdiction the trademark “Timescale”, “TimescaleDB”, or any trademark, trade name, service mark, logo, or domain name consisting of, in whole or in part, the word “Timescale” or any marks confusingly similar to any Timescale trademark.
17. If you become aware of any infringement, actual or suspected, or any other unauthorized use of any Timescale trademark, you will promptly give notice to Timescale in writing, specifying the particulars of the unauthorized use.
18. You agree not to attack the title or any rights of Timescale in and to Timescale‘s trademarks or attack the validity of the Timescale’s trademarks.
19. If, at any time, Timescale objects to your improper use of any Timescale trademark, you agree to take such steps as may be necessary to resolve Timescale’s objections.
If you offer services related to Timescale offerings, you may use Timescale‘s trademarks in describing and advertising your services, so long as you don‘t violate these overall guidelines for the use of Timescale‘s trademarks or do anything that might mislead customers into thinking that Timescale has any direct relationship with your organization, without Timescale’s prior written consent. For example, it is OK if your website says, “Services for TimescaleDB” (as long as it’s true). It‘s not OK, though, if it says, “Timescale training services sold here,” since the first suggests that Timescale is related to your business, and the second is confusing as to who, you or Timescale, is performing the training. When in doubt, err on the side of providing more, rather than less, explanation and information.

Domain Names

If you want to include all or part of a Timescale trademark in a domain name, you must first receive written permission from Timescale. People naturally associate domain names with organizations whose names sound similar. Almost any use of a Timescale trademark in a domain name is likely to confuse consumers, thus running afoul of the overarching requirement that any use of a Timescale trademark be non-confusing.


Timescale has tried to make its trademark policy as comprehensive as possible. If you‘re considering a use of a Timescale trademark that‘s not covered by the policy, and you‘re unsure whether that use would run afoul of Timescale‘s guidelines, please contact Timescale at [email protected].