Using PostgreSQL String Functions for Improved Data Analysis

PostgreSQL holds a special place in database management with its robust set of built-in functions. Among these, PostgreSQL string functions are particularly noteworthy due to their ability to manipulate and transform text data within the database.

For developers working on any product, software, or technology involving data handling, mastering PostgreSQL string functions can bring significant benefits.

The Benefits of PostgreSQL String Functions

Faster query performance

PostgreSQL string functions allow developers to perform complex operations directly within the database, reducing the data transfer between the database and the application.

This leads to faster query performance, as the database server handles the computational load, which is typically more powerful and better equipped for such tasks than the application server.

Better data validation

Data validation is a critical aspect of any application that deals with user input. PostgreSQL string functions provide developers with a set of tools for checking, cleaning, and transforming this input. Functions like LENGTH(), TRIM(), SUBSTRING(), and REGEXP_REPLACE() can be used to ensure that the input data meets specific criteria, thereby enhancing the reliability and integrity of the application's data.

Improved data analysis capabilities

PostgreSQL string functions can be used to extract meaningful information from text data, facilitating more sophisticated data analysis. For example, the SPLIT_PART() function can be used to split a string into an array based on a delimiter, and the POSITION() function can be used to find the position of a substring within a string. 

These functions can be combined in various ways to extract insights from raw text data, opening up new possibilities for data analysis within the database.

List of PostgreSQL String Functions


The ASCII(text) function returns the ASCII value of the first character of the text. For example:

SELECT ASCII('A');  -- Returns: 65


The CONCAT(arg1, arg2, ...) function concatenates two or more strings into one string. For instance:

SELECT CONCAT('Post', 'greSQL');  -- Returns: 'PostgreSQL'


The CHR(code) function returns the character associated with the specified ASCII code. For example:

SELECT CHR(65);  -- Returns: 'A'


The FORMAT(format_string, argument,...) function formats strings according to the given format string. For instance: SELECT FORMAT('%s %s', 'Hello', 'World');  -- Returns: 'Hello World'


The LEFT(string, count) function extracts a substring from a string (from the left). For example: SELECT LEFT('PostgreSQL', 4);  -- Returns: 'Post'


The LENGTH(string) function returns the number of characters in a string. For instance: SELECT LENGTH('PostgreSQL');  -- Returns: 10


The LPAD(string, length, fill_text) function pads a string on the left with a specified fill text. For example: SELECT LPAD('SQL', 10, '*');  -- Returns: '*******SQL'


The MD5(text) function calculates the MD5 hash of a string. For instance: SELECT MD5('PostgreSQL');  -- Returns: MD5 hash of 'PostgreSQL'


The POSITION(substring IN string) function returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. For example: SELECT POSITION('gre' IN 'PostgreSQL');  -- Returns: 5


The REGEXP_MATCHES(string, pattern) function searches for a regular expression pattern in a string and returns the matched substrings. For instance: SELECT REGEXP_MATCHES('100-200', '\d+');  -- Returns: {'100'}


The REGEXP_REPLACE(source, pattern, replacement) function replaces substrings that match a regular expression pattern with a replacement string. For example: SELECT REGEXP_REPLACE('PostgreSQL', 'Post', 'Pre');  -- Returns: 'PregreSQL'


The RIGHT(string, count) function extracts a substring from a string (from the right). For instance:

SELECT RIGHT('PostgreSQL', 3);  -- Returns: 'SQL'


The REPLACE(string, target, replacement) function replaces all occurrences of a target substring with a replacement string. For example: SELECT REPLACE('PostgreSQL', 'Post', 'Pre');  -- Returns: 'PregreSQL'


The SPLIT_PART(string, delimiter, field_number) function splits a string at each occurrence of a specified delimiter and returns the part at a given field number. For instance: SELECT SPLIT_PART('PostgreSQL', 't', 2);  -- Returns: 'greSQL'


The SUBSTRING(string, start, count) function extracts a substring from a string starting at a specified position for a certain count of characters. For example: SELECT SUBSTRING('PostgreSQL', 5, 3);  -- Returns: 'gre'


The TRANSLATE(string, from_text, to_text) function replaces each character in a string that matches a character in the from text with the corresponding character in the to text. For instance:

SELECT TRANSLATE('12345', '123', 'abc');  -- Returns: 'abc45'


The TRIM([leading | trailing | both] [characters FROM] string) function removes the longest string containing only the characters (or spaces by default) from the beginning/end/both ends of a string. For example:

SELECT TRIM('   PostgreSQL ');  -- Returns: 'PostgreSQL'


The TO_CHAR(value, format) function converts a number or date to a string according to a specific format. For instance:

SELECT TO_CHAR(12345, '99999');  -- Returns: '12345'


The TO_NUMBER(text, format) function converts a string to a number according to a specific format. For example:

SELECT TO_NUMBER('12,345.67', '99G999D99');  -- Returns: 12345.67

Further Reading

Mastering PostgreSQL string functions is a worthwhile investment for any developer working with data. The benefits—faster query performance, better data validation, and improved data analysis capabilities—have a direct impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of your applications. 

By leveraging these functions, you can harness the full power of PostgreSQL and take your database skills to the next level. Want to learn more about PostgreSQL functions? Visit the official PostgreSQL documentation.

Use Timescale Functions for Hyper Speed and Ease 

Now that you’ve learned the basics of PostgreSQL functions, it’s time for a better alternative. Hyperfunctions are a series of SQL functions within TimescaleDB that make it easier to manipulate and analyze time-series data in PostgreSQL with fewer lines of code. 

You can use hyperfunctions to calculate percentile approximations of data, compute time-weighted averages, downsample and smooth data, and perform faster COUNT DISTINCT queries using approximations. Moreover, hyperfunctions are simple to use: you call a hyperfunction using the same SQL syntax you know and love. 

Learn more about hyperfunctions on our Docs page, or keep reading to learn about PostgreSQL mathematical functions.