Hierarchical Data

PostgreSQL Extensions: ltree

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source object-relational database system. One of its key strengths lies in its extensibility, with a wide range of extensions available to enhance its functionality. In this post, we will focus on one such extension, the Postgres ltree.

​What is Postgres ltree?

​Postgres ltree is a PostgreSQL extension that introduces a data type for representing labels of data stored in a hierarchical tree-like structure. It's particularly useful for developers working with data with a natural hierarchical relationship, such as file systems, biological classifications, organizational structures, etc.

The ltree extension provides several functions and operators for working with ltree data, including searching, comparison, and manipulation.

Installing the Postgres ltree extension

​Before you can use the ltree extension, you need to install it. Here's how:

1. First, connect to your PostgreSQL database.

2. Next, run the following command:​


This command installs the ltree extension in your current database. On Timescale, you can find available extensions by going to Operations > Extensions from your service overview, which will also give you installation instructions.

Using the ltree Extension

​Once installed, you can use the ltree extension to create ltree columns, insert ltree data, and perform operations on ltree data.

Here's an example of how to create a table with an ltree column:

CREATE TABLE test (path ltree);

You can insert data into the ltree column like this:

​INSERT INTO test VALUES ('Top.Middle.Bottom');

The value actually represents a simple hierarchical value of three levels: Top -> Middle -> Bottom.

​Time-Series Use Cases for Postgres ltree

​The ltree extension can be particularly useful in time-series data scenarios. For example, you could use it to represent a hierarchy of time periods (e.g., year > quarter > month > day) and then use ltree's functions and operators to query and manipulate this data. Another example would be the representation of topologies, such as buildings, to assign sensor locations.

Using ltree with Timescale and time-series data

​Timescale is a time-series database fully compatible with PostgreSQL. You can use the ltree extension with Timescale to handle hierarchical time-series data.

​For example, you could use ltree to represent a hierarchy of time periods in a Timescale hypertable, and then use ltree's functions and operators to query and manipulate this data.

With the ltree extension, PostgreSQL and Timescale offer powerful tools for handling hierarchical and time-series data. Whether you're a developer or a data analyst, understanding and using these tools can greatly enhance your data manipulation capabilities.