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// Show table definition including indexes, constraints & triggers (psql)
// More detailed table definition including description and physical disk size (psql)
// List tables from current schema (psql)
\dt *.*
// List tables from all schemas (psql)
\dt <name-of-schema>.*
// List the tables in a specific schema (psql)
\copy (SELECT * FROM __table_name__) TO 'file_path_and_name.csv' WITH CSV
// Export a table as CSV (psql)
SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename='__table_name__' AND
// Show table indexes (SQL)
ANALYZE [__table__]
// Analyze a table and store the results in the pg_statistic system catalog (SQL)
With no parameter, ANALYZE
examines every table in the current database
Comment on table employee is 'Stores employee records';
// Comment on table (SQL)
Comment on column employee.ssn is 'Employee Social Security Number';
// Comment on column (SQL)
SELECT reltuples AS card FROM pg_class WHERE relname = '<table_name>';
// Use this to do fast (but not exact) counts from tables. Helpful if a table has millions/billions of records and you just want estimated rows quickly. (SQL)