Timescale is Postgres made Powerful

More than 3.2M active Timescale databases power apps across IoT, crypto, dev tools, and finance—all built on PostgreSQL. We use PostgreSQL for everything; we built our cloud so you can too.


For traditional database workloads, Timescale provides dynamically scalable compute and more memory even at the base. Plus you only pay for what you store.

Time series & analytics

For time series and other demanding workloads that ingest and query high volumes of data, Timescale queries up to 350x faster, ingests 44% faster, and saves 95% storage over RDS.

Vector / AI

For production AI applications that need fast search with high recall on millions of vector embeddings, Timescale offers a vector engine.

Trusted by great companies

Supercharged PostgreSQL

  • Automated dynamic data partitioning
  • Hybrid row-columnar storage
  • Advanced compression techniques
  • Incremental up-to-date materializations
  • Policy-driven data management

Timescale vs Amazon RDS

Powerful enough for real-time time-series, events, and analytics data

  • Up to 350x Faster Queries
  • 44% Faster Ingest
  • 95% Storage Savings
Read the Benchmark

High-performance data analysis

  • Millions of data points per second
  • Up to 1,000x better query performance compared to vanilla PostgreSQL
  • Millisecond response times for complex aggregate queries
  • Fast scans across historical data
  • More than 100 built-in SQL hyperfunctions for faster data analysis
  • High-performance data analysis

    Infinitely scalable

  • Dynamically scale compute and storage independently, only paying for what you use
  • Scale query capacity with read replicas and connection pools
  • Store infinite data by with transparent data tiering
  • Easily store 100s of TBs across data tiers, and still query as standard SQL tables
  • Infinitely scalable

    Cost-effective and flexibly priced

  • Save money with high compression rates—customers see up to 95% compression
  • Only pay for what you store with usage-based storage
  • Custom storage optimizations for time-series data and analytics
  • Automated data retention policies and continuous aggregations
  • Simplified billing, without hidden data transfer, cost-per-query, cost-per-data-scanned or backup charges
  • Cost-effective and flexibly priced

    Worry free

  • Everything you love about PostgreSQL—excellent dev experience and a rich ecosystem of database extensions, tools, and connectors
  • Continuous incremental backup/recovery, point-in-time forking/branching, zero-downtime upgrades, and multi-AZ high availability
  • No more running out of storage space, managing disk allocations, or getting stuck in the wrong CPU/memory configuration
  • Top-notch consultative support to unblock any hurdles—at no extra cost
  • Worry free
    “The best feature of TimescaleDB: it's all PostgreSQL, always has been. All your tools, all the existing libraries, and your code already work with it. I’m using TimescaleDB because it’s the same as PostgreSQL but magically faster.“
    Florian Herrengt, co-founder, Nocodelytics

    Find the best PostgreSQL database service for you

    Timescale makes Postgres powerful with fast and affordable database features and worry-free cloud services.

    Best-in-class PostgreSQL performance

    Support provider


    Platform operator


    Automatic partitioning via hypertables for efficient indexes and faster ingest

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    Flexible analysis with Full SQL

    Full ecosystem of PostgreSQL features, connectors, and drivers

    JOIN time-series and event tables with relational tables

    Rich timestamp and timezone support

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    Automated data management policies

    Columnar storage format with fast scans

    Native compression with 90%+ storage savings

    Data retention policies

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    Scalability made easy

    Disaggregated compute & storage

    Capacity for 100s TB of uncompressed data

    Dynamic compute resizing

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    High availability and reliability

    Multi-AZ (availability zone) deployments for high availability

    Continuous incremental backup and automated restore

    Point-in-time recovery and branching

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    Automated upgrades and software patching

    Automated upgrades during configurable maintenance windows to reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities and ensure up-to-date database services

    Zero-downtime TimescaleDB and PostgreSQL minor upgrades

    PostgreSQL major version upgrades use a forking workflow and disk snapshots to minimize downtime and risk

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    Robust security and compliance

    SOC 2 Type 2 and GDPR compliance

    Data encrypted at rest (both disk and backup)

    Data encrypted in transit

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    Deep observability

    Operational visibility into your databases to understand performance, uncover regressions, and optimize performance

    Insights for automated query summaries and statistics

    Per-query drill downs into execution times, row results, plans, memory buffer management, and cache performance

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    Top-notch support and operations

    Follow-the-sun 24x7 support model staffed across APAC, EMEA, and NASA

    Production support with Severity 1 responsiveness

    Architectural reviews, data modeling and query optimization assistance, feature testing, and migration support

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    Ready to experience PostgreSQL made powerful and worry free?

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