

Cloud Infrastructure & Dev Tools

Use case

Metrics, monitoring, customer-facing application, analytics


Better query performance, Scalable database with ever-increasing data volume, Faster developer onboarding




k6 empowers developers with an efficient and user-friendly load testing tool, enhanced by TimescaleDB's real-time data handling and performance optimization.

Company and use case

k6 is a modern load testing tool designed for developers and QA engineers to test the performance and reliability of their applications. With a focus on simplicity and ease of use, k6 provides powerful scripting capabilities and detailed performance metrics, enabling teams to identify and address bottlenecks early in the development process. Their platform supports integration with CI/CD pipelines, allowing for continuous performance testing and monitoring.

Performance problems to solve

Before adopting TimescaleDB, k6 faced challenges with storing and querying large volumes of time-series data generated from load tests. Their existing database solution struggled with performance issues, leading to slow query responses and increased maintenance overhead. These limitations hindered their ability to provide real-time insights and affected the overall user experience.

Performance gains unlocked

By integrating TimescaleDB, k6 significantly enhanced their data management capabilities. TimescaleDB's efficient time-series data handling and continuous aggregates improved query performance, enabling real-time analysis and faster reporting. The adoption of TimescaleDB also reduced maintenance efforts and operational costs, allowing k6 to focus on delivering a seamless load testing experience to their users.

With Timescale, we can perform correlations, aggregate group-bys on URLs, join time-series with metadata, and use full SQL to work across datasets. Now we get better query performance, run complex queries, and can focus on our goal: helping customers.

Pawel Suwala, CTO

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