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Psycopg2 vs Psycopg3 Performance Benchmark

Psycopg2 vs Psycopg3 Performance Benchmark

The new and improved PostgreSQL adapter for Python, psycopg3, brings significant improvements compared to its predecessor, psycopg2. It introduces built-in async support, enhancing efficiency for asynchronous tasks and an improved connection pooling feature. These enhancements make the PostgreSQL database interaction experience smoother for developers.

We commented on the latest version's supercharged performance in a previous blog post about building applications using PostgreSQL and psycopg3. In this blog post, we will actually test and compare the performance of psycopg2 and psycopg3 using various benchmarks. Let’s dive into it. 

Want to learn more about how to build your application using PostgreSQL/Timescale? Be sure to check these articles—we’re taking you from data migration to monitoring your database.

> How to Migrate Your Data to Timescale (3 Ways)
> Building Python Apps With PostgreSQL and psycopg3
> Data Visualization in PostgreSQL With Apache Superset
> 5 Ways to Monitor Your PostgreSQL Database

Psycopg 3 vs. Psycopg2 Benchmark Configurations


  • Cloud Provider: AWS
  • EC2 Instance Type: t2.xlarge
  • CPU Configuration: 4 cores
  • RAM Allocation: 16 GB
  • Hard Drive Capacity: 200 GB
  • Hard Drive Performance: 3000 IOPS
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
  • Filesystem: ext4



  • PostgreSQL = 16.2
  • Psycopg2-binary = 2.9.9
  • Psycopg[binary] = 3.1.18

Test Cases and Results


A broad query retrieving all entries from the pg_type table (approximately 613 rows), similar to an average application query, aims to evaluate overall data decoding efficiency.

A bar chart of psycopg3 versus psycopg2 versus psycopg3 async for the pg_type query. Psycopg3 handles more than double of the rows/second as psycopg2.

The difference is abysmal, with psycopg3 retrieving approximately half a million rows per second while psycopg2 handles 150,000.


A query that generates 1,000 rows containing a single integer. This benchmark is used to test the overhead of creating and returning result records.

A bar chart of psycopg3 versus psycopg2 versus psycopg3 async for the generate_series query. Psycopg3 does it again with approximately 1.2 million rows per second, double that of psycopg2. However, psycopg3 async is the winner.

Psycopg3 does it again with approximately 1.2 million rows per second, double that of psycopg2. However, the true winner is the asynchronous version, slightly surpassing the 1.2 million mark.


A query returning 100 rows, each containing a 1 KB binary blob. This benchmark is used to stress the I/O and read buffers in particular and is one of three cases in our tests where psycopg2 fared better.

A bar chart of psycopg3 versus psycopg2 versus psycopg3 async for the large_object query. Psycopg2 takes the win here.


A query returns 100 rows, each containing an array of 100 integers. This benchmark is designed to test the performance of array decoding. Even if performing only slightly better, psycopg3 async is once again the winner.

A bar chart of psycopg3 versus psycopg2 versus psycopg3 async for arrays. Psycopg3 async is the winner.


This benchmark is used to measure the performance of copying data from standard input (STDIN) into a PostgreSQL table using the COPY command with specific row data and a large number of iterations (10,000). Psycopg3 async also performed better in this benchmark.

A bar chart comparing the performance of psycopg3 vs psycopg2 vs psycopg3 async for a copyfrom. psycopg3 performs slightly better in both its versions, with async being the winner once again.


This benchmark assesses the efficiency of batch-inserting data into a PostgreSQL table. We conducted 10,000 iterations to monitor the performance of the batch insertion process, with psycopg2 inserting more rows per second than the latest versions.

A bar chart comparing the performance of psycopg3 vs psycopg2 vs psycopg3 async for batch-inserting. psycopg2 inserts more rows per second than both psycopg3 versions.


This benchmark simply executes the query "SELECT 1+1" to measure the time it takes to perform this basic arithmetic operation. Again, psycopg2 performed better.

A bar chart comparing the performance of psycopg3 vs psycopg2 vs psycopg3 async for a 1+1 SELECT query. psycopg2 is a lot faster.

Detailed Psycopg Benchmark Data

Here’s the detailed breakdown of results, where we can compare psycopg2 versus psycopg3 versus psycopg3 async.

Geometric mean 1-pg_type.json x10 2-generate_series.json x10 3-large_object.json x10 4-arrays.json x10 5-copyfrom.json x10 6-batch.json x10 7-oneplusone.json x10
Queries/sec 409.39 246.18 626.67 2099.09 1091.84 44.44 13.26 9249.65
Rows/sec 102359.51 150417.57 626673.62 209908.72 109184.26 444406.71 13257.48 9249.65
Min latency 4.85ms 5.4ms 1.91ms 0.84ms 1.72ms 52.76ms 617.62ms 0.13ms
Mean latency 24.366ms 40.55ms 15.936ms 4.755ms 9.147ms 224.094ms 753.025ms 1.075ms
Max latency 149.216ms 276.6ms 326.68ms 29.21ms 111.82ms 765.09ms 808.67ms 9.02ms
Latency variation 11.976ms (49.15%) 33.858ms (83.5%) 25.804ms (161.93%) 3.31ms (69.61%) 8.706ms (95.17%) 74.057ms (33.05%) 24.015ms (3.19%) 0.789ms (73.34%)
Geometric mean 1-pg_type.json x10 2-generate_series.json x10 3-large_object.json x10 4-arrays.json x10 5-copyfrom.json x10 6-batch.json x10 7-oneplusone.json x10
Queries/sec 374.57 804.45 1250.97 1013.91 1015.23 45.66 4.93 4436.81
Rows/sec 93665.83 491518.87 1250967.46 101390.58 101522.77 456625.68 4932.76 4436.81
Min latency 5.473ms 2.03ms 1.06ms 1.94ms 1.76ms 64.86ms 1715.61ms 0.18ms
Mean latency 26.527ms 12.418ms 7.983ms 9.853ms 9.839ms 218.195ms 1962.827ms 2.246ms
Max latency 80.116ms 41.09ms 37.2ms 21.35ms 34.99ms 897.54ms 2139.78ms 9.66ms
Latency variation 7.384ms (27.83%) 5.155ms (41.51%) 4.073ms (51.03%) 2.355ms (23.9%) 4.097ms (41.64%) 108.724ms (49.83%) 50.299ms (2.56%) 1.08ms (48.09%)
Geometric mean 1-pg_type.json x10 2-generate_series.json x10 3-large_object.json x10 4-arrays.json x10 5-copyfrom.json x10 6-batch.json x10 7-oneplusone.json x10
Queries/sec 474.94 749.26 1286.34 1330.1 1139.06 47.03 11.04 7189.77
Rows/sec 118755.18 457796.17 1286341.35 133010.47 113906.13 470290.05 11041.44 7189.77
Min latency 9.724ms 5.92ms 2.7ms 5.68ms 3.07ms 60.8ms 881.92ms 0.55ms
Mean latency 21.022ms 13.336ms 7.765ms 7.51ms 8.771ms 212.059ms 905.604ms 1.385ms
Max latency 37.043ms 14.33ms 18.98ms 9.94ms 21.82ms 829.92ms 962.93ms 2.03ms
Latency variation 1.136ms (5.4%) 0.243ms (1.82%) 1.938ms (24.96%) 0.143ms (1.91%) 0.524ms (5.97%) 84.791ms (39.98%) 18.099ms (2.0%) 0.045ms (3.25%)

Next Steps

If you are wondering whether to carry on using psycopg2 in your interactions with your PostgreSQL database, we hope this convinces you to upgrade. We know it’s hard to part ways with a decade-long friend, but the performance gains brought by psycopg3 will make a difference in your development—especially if you're interacting asynchronously with your database.

To learn more about leveraging PostgreSQL and Python, read the following resources:

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