Welcome to Timescale's forum

Welcome to the Timescale Community Forum, where you’ll be able to ask questions, help other users, talk about time-series use cases, IoT, IIoT, and discover best practices for using TimescaledDB and Promscale. Our community is well versed in the use of PostgreSQL, SQL, Prometheus, OpenTelemetry, Kubernetes, and related technologies too. You’re welcome to widen the discussion to these topics, we’d be happy to help you open up the conversation!

  • This community is for you if you are currently a user of either TimescaleDB or Promscale or if you’re researching how they might fit into your tech stack. It’s also for you if you want to find out more about time-series databases or observability.
  • You’ll find channels dedicated to aspects of our core technologies and plenty of community members ready to help you out.
  • Many of the members of this community are also active in Timescale Community Slack, a great place for quick conversations and check-ins. This forum provides a home for longer discussion and analysis, and for topics that need more detailed review and a more lasting record than can be offered by Slack.
  • If you are a Timescale or Promscale user looking for opportunities to contribute to the success of the projects, then our Timescale Travelers channel may be a good place to start.

If you are new to Timescale you may also find some great resources and information in these locations:

  • The starting point for most new users will be Timescale’s docs where you’ll find tutorials, how-to’s, and detailed technical information.
  • Timescale’s public software repositories are hosted on GitHub and bugs are managed via GitHub as issues. This includes documentation bugs, and contributors to documentation are invited. We’re always delighted to receive your support for our projects in the shape of GitHub stars :star_struck:
  • The Timescale blog has a reputation for detail and relevance to developers, well worth searching for if a topic has been covered in detail on the blog.
  • Timescale’s YouTube channel features educational content as well as recordings of our weekly live stream events.
  • To ask questions during live streams, the weekly schedule is published in our events channel, and reminders are posted to Slack #announcements and #timescale-live channels.
  • Our monthly office hours session on the first Tuesday of each month is a good opportunity to explore questions with the Timescale team and other community members. Or perhaps book a session to explore Promscale with the Promscale team.
  • We use Twitter for most of our social media content, new followers of @TimescaledDB are always appreciated.

Our tiger mascot Eon is offered as an avatar on the forum. Their friendly demeanor represents the Timescale community that our long-time users have come to enjoy. If you haven’t yet done so, please be sure to read our community guidelines on how Eon likes to conduct community business!