Time tracking app

Hello! Our team is planning to work remotely starting in the summer. I am looking for an app to track my working hours. To be honest, I’m not quite sure if Timescale can help me with this, so I need your advice. Also, if you work remotely, could you please share your experience, what does it take? How to organize everything and not forget about the details?

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To organize your work, you need to take into account the specifics of your work and make sure that all employees have all the necessary tools.
In addition, agree on how you will communicate (choose a messenger), which will help you stay in touch and help each other if necessary.
Choose an application for video meetings, and agree with your colleagues in advance so that everyone has the necessary programs installed.
Find more tips here: https://www.helpwire.app/blog/remote-work-culture/
It’s great that you choose an app to track your working hours, it will help you with self-organization.

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Yes! you can track your hours in a Timescale databases but probably you can also do it using a software as a service. I strongly recommend you Rize as they also use timescale and already split the applications and give you several insights about your productivity.

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