How to monitor progressof index creation on hypertable?

On PostgreSQL 15.3 and Timescale 2.10.1 I have execute “create index…” command on hypertable.
I can see index is creating:
select state, query from pg_stat_activity where query like 'create index%';
because state for query is “active”.

But index creation now takes very long time, more then an hour, and I would like to know the progress of index creation. Bellow SQL returns no rows:
select * from pg_stat_progress_create_index;

  1. How to monitor index creation progress? I would like to know if progress is percentage of completed work?
  2. Does TimescaleDB implements its own create index logic and somehow does not update pg_stat_prgoress_create_index?

Hi @ts101, it seems still not available but we have a issue tracking it here.

Feel free to upvote it and share your perspectives in the issue too.

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