Estimated release date for 2.15

Do you have an estimate in terms of release date for 2.15? We have a special interest updates related to indexing of compressed chunks.

Hey @benneharli,

We plan to get 2.15 released around the end of April (current month). The new compression focused storage engine that will enable indexing of compressed chunks is our major focus for this release, so the exact dates will depend on the progress of our production readiness testing for this feature.

Let me know if you are interested to share with us a few more details on your use case and why you need additional indexes on compressed chunks, either before the 2.15 release or after you try it out. We have various plans on how to evolve this feature and it would be great to validate our assumptions, and work with someone that runs an application with a need for this :slight_smile:

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I’d be more than happy to have a chat about this, and also involve our developers.
I’ve sent a pm with my email

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